Handling and Installation Videos

These are Standard Handling and Installation Instructions and are not Customer specific.

Basic Handling of Magnetic Seals

O-Ring Removal with Non-Magnetic Tool

O-Ring Lubrication with Supplied Lubricant

O-Ring Installation

Magnet into Housing using Drift Tool

Installation of Standard Magnet into Adapter and Installing Adapter O-Ring

Clean Magnet Mating Face and Gently Mate the Seal Case to the Magnet

Lubricating Shaft and Housing with Supplied Lubricant

Pre-Setting Seal Case O-Ring Installation

Securing Adapter Evenly into the Housing

(MDL 62) O-Ring Installation into Seal Case & Adapter

(MDL62) Lubrication & Installation of Tapered Magnet into Adapter

Mating Seal Case Assembly with O-Ring Installed over the Shaft

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